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Royal Hospital Chelsea

26 September 2022

The visit to the Royal Hospital, Chelsea was made even more special by our fantastic guide Peter, who spent far longer with us than we had hoped. It was fascinating to see the size of the original bedrooms and to learn how the Hospital has evolved over the years. We were fortunate to spend time in the Chapel and the Refectory, before visiting the outside of the Margaret Thatcher Infirmary and the history and treasures in the Museum. Some members had enjoyed lunch in the Army Museum before our RHC visit and that in itself is well worth looking round. Entry to the Museum is free and they have a cafe offering a good range of food - being situated next door to the RHC makes it an ideal location.

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© 2022 Walbrook Ward Club


We welcome new members, whether you work or live in the Ward or are members of the Livery who would like to join in our activities.  We hold a Lunch and a Dinner each year, and the Chairman and Hon Secretary organise events, which are open to all members.  

Contact us if you wish to know more about our Ward Club and its activities

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