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Mansion House Tour and Tea

12 June 2022

Our tour of Mansion House included private guides from Guildhall who talked to us about the paintings. Whilst there we were very lucky to see the portrait of the Lord Mayor being worked on by the artist. A visit to the Plate Room was a bonus and it was joy to see such treasures close up. We were joined for tea by our new member of Common Council, Alethea Silk, and we were delighted that the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress took time out of their busy schedule to enjoy a cup of tea, before the Lord Mayor welcomed us to Mansion House.

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© 2022 Walbrook Ward Club


We welcome new members, whether you work or live in the Ward or are members of the Livery who would like to join in our activities.  We hold a Lunch and a Dinner each year, and the Chairman and Hon Secretary organise events, which are open to all members.  

Contact us if you wish to know more about our Ward Club and its activities

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