AGM and Lunch 2024
18 March 2024
The Club's AGM was held in the Print Room at the Guildhall. The Chairman Derek Wye reported on his Year and the events held, giving particular thanks to the Hon Secretary, Tricia Freakes. Alvan Seth-Smith was elected Chairman with James Thomson as Vice Chairman. Other officers and the Committee members were re-elected.
Around 80 Members and guests attended the Luncheon in the Old Library. They were welcomed by the Chairman Alvan Seth-Smith who asked Members to stand to remember the exceptional service given by two Club members who had died in the previous year. Valerie Drummond had succeeded her late husband Patrick as Hon Secretary and had held the position for 30 years. Allan Rowlands had served as Hon Treasurer for 12 years.
After an excellent meal served by the caterers Cook & Butler, there were speeches by both the Chairman and the President, Alderwoman Jennette Newman. The Guest of Honour Alderwoman and Sheriff Dame Susan Langley was introduced. Her speech was read by her husband Gary Langley as Dame Susan had lost her voice. A friendly and convivial occasion was concluded with the presentation of a bottle of the Club's Malt Whisky to Dame Susan.
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